
This week, we’ll be kicking off our Podcast Planning Challenge. You’ll see a brand new episode every day of the podcast challenge! Today’s episode went out a day early to make sure you have time to be a part of the podcast planning challenge. We are discussing the timeline to launch a podcast, which we will also cover in the Podcast Planning Challenge.

Join me today where I’m discussing the perfect timeline for your podcast launch. Every podcast is different, some launches can be done in a day while some need at least six weeks. We’re covering what each week of your launch will cover, what you’ll accomplish, and how to choose the best timeline for your podcast.

Join the Challenge

Sign up here if you’re interested in joining the Podcast Planning challenge to plan out your dream podcast. You can upgrade your challenge experience for just $9 and have access to the materials for a year!

Clocking In with Haylee Gaffin is produced and brought to you by Gaffin Creative, a podcast production company for creative entrepreneurs. Learn more about our services at Gaffincreative.com, plus you’ll also find resources, show notes, and more for the Clocking In Podcast.

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After launching countless podcasts over the last few years, I’ve finally nailed down a podcast launch timeline that works for almost every busy entrepreneur. So many of you have asked me what the perfect timeline for a launch is and what amount of time you need to dedicate to the launch. So, let’s dive into what I think works best.

Every person is different. that’s why in the past I have launched podcasts on so many different timelines. But, over the years, I have nailed down two types of timelines that have worked for all of my clients.


In one day, we map everything out for your podcast. Then, at the end of the day, we submit your podcast. Done in a day. This is a service that I still offer for the people it works best for. Learn more about these in episode 038.

Six Week Podcast Launch

Most of my clients are on the six-week launch timeline to give them more time to dig deep and prepare for their launch. In those six weeks, we focus on a small amount of time each week dedicated to particular aspects of the launch.

One-day launches do not work for everyone. That’s why I created the six-week timeline. It’s such a valuable approach for so many of my clients. Over the course of six weeks, you can focus on podcast planning, building systems and workflows, planning content, scripting, recording, producing, and editing. Then we submit your show. Each week tackles a different area of your launch, really allowing you to get into the finer details.

If you’re thinking of launching that dream podcast, I encourage you to look at your calendar. Evaluate your marketing plan and see where you can fit a podcast launch into your calendar. Then, work backward by six weeks. See how much time you can dedicate to this.

Breaking Down Each Week

Week 1

Focus on the planning details- your name, topics, descriptions, and more. If you need more help with this, you going to want to join my Podcast Planning Challenge. This is a three-day challenge beginning on June 7, 2022, through June 9, 2022. Inside this challenge, we are going to cover all of those week one details.

Week 2

This week is for mapping out the systems and workflows in your business. Who is managing what? Do you need to build out forms and resources?

Week 3

Now that you’ve established the foundations for your podcast, week three dives into content planning. You don’t want to scramble for ideas when you’re recording. So you’ll plan, outline, and write your content at this time.

Week 4

Now, you get to start recording and producing your content. This will also help you see how long an episode will take you to produce from start to finish.

Week 5

This is the week that you’ll select your podcast platform and submit your show. This is a detailed process that I go through with all of my clients. Getting approved can take some time and can affect your podcast launch.

Week 6

This is your launch week! You need to have a set date in mind for all of your marketing and promotions.

There are so many other considerations involved and learning curves to think about. That’s why I highly encourage you to work with a podcast producer, like us at Gaffin Creative. They can help you through this process.

Join Podcast Launch Program

Have you been dreaming about hosting your own podcast? Maybe you want to facilitate meaningful conversations, grow a community, or use a podcast to propel your brand to the next level.

If you are ready to launch your podcast in 2022 then Podcast Launch Program is for you! Podcast Launch Program is a 6-week group coaching program to plan, launch, and market your podcast!

A lot of time and effort goes into creating a successful podcast, so you want your launch day to be a huge success! I can help you produce the podcast of your dreams, find your ideal audience, and create systems to make it simple and fun. 

Not sure what podcast gear you need? Need to come up with a catchy podcast name? Feeling overwhelmed about landing sponsorships? I’m going to guide you through every aspect of podcasting, from the big milestones to the nitty-gritty details!

Catch the Show Notes:

What Timeline Works for Your Podcast (2:10)

1 Day- VIP Days (2:22)

6 Week Launch (2:35)

Which Timeline Works for You (3:30)`

How To Break Down Each Week of Your Launch (4:10) 

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Episode 038

The Podcast Planning Challenge