There are dozens of steps you have to take in order to plan and launch a podcast. If you don’t have the time or you simply don’t want to learn every step of the process, I’ve created an offering just for you.
In today’s episode I’m sharing about my podcast launch vip days: my done in a day program to planning and launching your podcast! Listen in to hear how these are structured, plus you’ll hear from two of my VIP day clients and their experience with their VIP Podcast Launch days!
Clocking In with Haylee Gaffin is produced and brought to you by Gaffin Creative, a podcast production company for creative entrepreneurs. Learn more about our services at Gaffincreative.com, plus you’ll also find resources, show notes, and more for the Clocking In Podcast.
Book Your Own VIP Day with Gaffin Creative >>
Book Your Own VIP Day with Gaffin Creative >>

Review the Transcript:
Over the last few weeks, you’ve heard me sharing about Podcast Launch Kit, the DIY course for launching your podcast….. But many podcast hosts want to do just that…. Host. They want to eliminate the minutiae of every single step in the process. That’s where a podcast producer and launch strategist comes into play.
Hey y’all welcome to the clocking in podcast the podcast for entrepreneurs and professionals making their way in the working world i’m your host Haylee Gaffin this podcast is produced and brought to you by Gaffin Creative a podcast production company for creative entrepreneurs learn more about our services at Gaffincreative.com plus you’ll also find resources show notes and more for the clocking in podcast so let’s clock in and get to work.
There are dozens of steps you have to take in order to plan and launch a podcast. If you don’t have the time or you simply don’t want to learn every step of the process, I’ve created an offering just for you.
Earlier this year, I opened up my first few beta spots for VIP days, which included a podcast launch VIP day and a podcast strategy VIP day.
In today’s episode I want to share a little more about the podcast launch vip day: my done in a day program to planning and launching your podcast! When creating and testing this, I wanted to introduce a new concept of podcast launch planning to provide a done in a day option for busy professionals who wanted to launch asap!
Since completing those very special VIP day podcast launches, I’m ready to take on new VIP day clients who are ready to launch their podcast in just one day.
If you’ve heard some of my old podcast episodes, I share a little about what to expect and plan for when starting a podcast.
Well, in my VIP day approach, I’m taking a lot of the guess work and busy work out so that my clients can focus on one thing… how listeners perceive their show.
Now, before we jump into your podcast launch VIP day, we’ll first jump on a one hour planning call. In this, we’ll review your podcast goals, review how a VIP day works, select your primary focuses for the launch planning vip day, and assign a little bit of homework.
The different focuses could include…
- Podcast Website
- Podcast Guest Pitches
- Podcast Advertising Pitches and Writing
- Graphics and Marketing Planning
- Content Planning
- Podcast Workflow Implementation
Then when it comes to your Podcast Launch VIP Day, you’ll get my full attention for the whole day. We’ll kick off first thing at 9am in your timezone with a kickoff meeting to review the workbook you’ll have completed, and review the itinerary for the day. In this first meeting, we’ll cover the following:
– Defining Your Goals & Plan to Get There
– Equipment for Production
– Programs for Recording
– Discuss how to write your intro, outro, and trailer (along with your podcast structure)
– Review Podcast Music Outlets & Options
– Potential Podcast Topics
Throughout the full VIP day, we’ll meet a total of three times. After your VIP day, you’ll walk away having completed the following
– Finalizing Your Podcast Music
– Writing/Recording Your Intro & Outro
– Writing your podcast description
– Editing your trailer, intro, & outro
– Plan & outline the first three episodes for launch.
– Develop a content strategy & plan for the first three months of episodes (15 episodes).
– Account creation and set up for a podcast hosting platform (Libsyn, Acast, Blubrry)
– Submit RSS to Podcast Players (two factor authentication)
– Create promotional graphic types (show cover, episode cover, and promotional options)
– Create podcast pre-launch and launch strategy (email announcements, social media promotional, launch team list)
Then we’ll also focus on one area of planning as mentioned earlier.
In addition, all VIP clients will receive:
– Guest Email Templates
– Podcast Planning Workbook
– Content Planning Workbook
– Podcast Management Workflow Implementation in Asana
– Access to Podcast Launch Kit, my beginner course for podcasters
Now, I know what you’re thinking, this sounds like a ton of work and too much to complete in just a day… so I want you to hear from my VIP Day clients who had different experiences:
First up is Carly Someplace, host of Someplace for Every Body. Listen to what Carly thought about her podcast VIP day:
Carly: I’m going to talk about doing my VIP day with Haylee. It was the best thing I could have ever asked for. It was the simplest way to get everything done that we needed to in a very short period of time. I travel almost full time for work and for shooting all across the country. And my schedule is absolute chaos. So to be able to accomplish everything that I needed to do to launch my entire podcast, we’re talking ads, we’re talking my trailer, writing things out, getting everything set up. All in one day was absolutely amazing. And the best use of time that I could absolutely take ever. Plus working with Haylee is amazing. She is so kind, wonderful, amazing, smart, talented, she gives everything to you that you’re going to need and everything that she’s got set up for the VIP day is absolutely perfect. It makes it so easy to walk through everything and get everything done in a really great time period. Plus with her encouragement and feedback. So easy, so easy. So if you’re on the fence, absolutely do it because it is the best best best way to launch your podcast in a single day.
Now, if you’re intrigued by Carly’s podcast, make sure you head over to your favorite podcast player and subscribe to Someplace for Every Body!
The next VIP Day client is the sweet Dolly Delong, systems and workflows expert and host of the upcoming Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast. Listen to what Dolly thought about her podcast launch VIP day:
Dolly: I am so relieved, excited. Blessed. I don’t even know what other terms to use that I used Haylee for a podcast VIP day. I have been wanting to start a podcast for the past two years, there’s been a concept in my mind, but I didn’t really know how to execute on planning out my podcast, which is so weird because I am a action taker. I’m a doer. For some reason I felt very stuck with wanting like without even knowing how to start a podcast. I loved how Haylee mapped out the entire day from start to finish. So for me, that was really helpful to see a roadmap. And it was also very helpful for me to see our different milestones are being met throughout the day. And it was great to see just like a podcast actually up and running. By the time we were done with the VIP day or at least like all the ins and outs of it. We’re up and running. And so Haylee can easily then hit publish. And yeah, it took so much pressure off of me in knowing where to start. I have so much confidence in Haylee. And after that VIP day I just decided Haylee is going to be my Podcast Producer. And so it was easy yes for me to transition from a VIP day to having her produce my podcast. So I just want to say thank you so much, Haylee, and I am so glad I jumped into a VIP day with you and thank you so much for mapping out a strategy for me.
Now, Dolly’s podcast will be launching on December 13th, but the trailer will be arriving on podcast players this week, so make sure you give her a listen and cheer her on when her podcast launches next month.
If you’re intrigued by the idea of planning and launching a podcast in just one day, I’d love to chat and make sure it’s the right fit! You can head over to gaffincreative.com/vipday. We can hop on a quick consult call to make sure it works for you.
I’m currently booking Q1 podcast launch VIP days for podcast hosts who are ready to make their dream a reality in 2022!
And if doing everything in one day isn’t the approach you’re ready for, I do still offer a 6 week launch program for the podcast host who wants to give themself a little more time to complete their podcast launch.
My podcast VIP days aren’t just for launches either.. If you’ve already launched your podcast but are looking for a strategy session or coaching session, or need a new perspective to take a look inside your podcast, I also offer Podcast Strategy VIP days. We’ll select a focus area and grow from there. Yeah, that was a little cheesy.
If a VIP day is the solution you’ve been looking for, head to gaffincreative.com/vipdays and let’s launch that podcast!
This has been another episode of The clocking in podcast. You can find the show notes for this episode and more at Gaffincreative.com. Thank you so much for your listenership and support. If you love this episode, I’d be so honored if you leave me a review in Apple podcast app. Until next time, I’m your host Haylee Gaffin, clocking out.