
Your podcast listeners are likely ideal clients, but are you converting them into leads? Most of my clients are using their podcasts for this very reason! A podcast is a great marketing tool for your business, especially if you’re a service provider, sell digital products, or are in the coaching and education space! In today’s episode, we’re talking about turning your podcast listeners into leads, then even paying clients!

Clocking In with Haylee Gaffin is produced and brought to you by Gaffin Creative, a podcast production company for creative entrepreneurs. Learn more about our services at Gaffincreative.com, plus you’ll also find resources, show notes, and more for the Clocking In Podcast.

Find on Your Favorite Podcast Player

I know for many of my listeners and clients, you’re looking to use a podcast to market and grow your business. For myself, that is a big part of my podcast strategy, but before you can get there, you HAVE to serve your audience and build that trust with them.

Whether you’re a service provider, a coach, or sell digital products, building that trust with your listeners is vital if you want them to convert into leads!

How Do You Ask Listeners to Become Leads?

Connect with Lead Magnets

The first is to get them onto an email list or connect with you in a way that shows you that they’re interested in your services/knowledge/expertise. Because with podcasting, we don’t know how is listening in.

The best way to do this is through lead magnets, like free downloadables, quizzes, or participation in something like a webinar or challenge.

I love this approach because I can connect with listeners through my email list, which has warmed them up to my paid offerings.

Sell Products and Services on Your Podcast

Secondly, you can sell your products and services on your podcast. I know it is TOUGH to sell and it feels like you’re interrupting your content, but you’re providing free content through your podcast and it’s totally fine for someone to listen to a minute or two of you pitching your paid offerings. Some of your listeners might actually need them!

 Now, I’ve tested out a few different ways of doing this, from releasing a full pitch for a service, as I did with my VIP days in episode 38, to dropping an organic ad for something like I did towards the beginning of today’s episode. Or my favorite and most effective approach is to organically sell your content through educational content in your episodes.

For example, back in episode 61, I talk about how to market your podcast launch. I really walked through everything I think you need to consider, but I also sold my Podcast Launch Marketing Guide, which has a timeline, checklists, and even templates for outreach. I believe when you’re serving your listeners well, that trust builds.

Podcast Content

For me, a number of my clients have been warmed up to me through referrals, networking, etc, but the final push to convert came from the content I’m putting out on my podcast. Whether that is for product sales in my shop, course enrollments, launches, or ongoing production. I want my clients to trust me and trust that I know what I am talking about. You can do the same.

If you’re looking at launching a podcast or implementing this approach into your podcast strategy, my recommendation is to try it out and give it time. Podcast listeners do take a little time to convert and need to hear from you and your offering a few times before they officially say yes. So test out different approaches to offering your products or services on your podcast.

Additionally, you do need to think about what type of content you’re sharing with your audience if it’s relevant to your brand, and if it’s serving your audience well. If it’s not serving your ideal audience, you will begin to lose listeners!

The final thing you need to consider is understanding how you’ll track these conversions. Are you going to track through a custom URL or a download code, etc? Maybe you’ll just ask in the onboarding form or in your discovery call. Whatever approach you want to take, just make sure that if tracking the numbers is important to you, then you’re actually setting yourself up in the beginning to have them.

Catch the Show Notes:

How to Turn Your Podcast Listeners to Leads (2:37)

Get Them As a Warm Lead (3:07)

Sell Your Products of Services on Your Podcast (4:00)

Your Podcast Content (5:33)

Give it Time (6:25)

Tracking Conversions (7:19)

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Episode 38

Episode 61

Podcast Launch Marketing Guide

Review the Transcript:

For today’s episode, we’re talking about turning your podcast listeners into leads, then even paying clients! Most of my clients are using their podcasts for this very reason! A podcast is a great marketing tool for your business, especially if you’re a service provider, sell digital products, or are in the coaching and education space!

Before we jump in, today’s episode is brought to you by Podcast Launch Program, my 6-week group coaching program for future podcast hosts looking to launch their podcast with guided support, education, and a community of podcasters. Over the course of 6 weeks, you’ll receive a weekly audio or video lesson, participate in coworking sessions, connect with other podcasters, and go through the planning and launch process with me.

From planning out your podcast concept, to building systems and workflows, mapping out your content and marketing strategy, to recording and producing, we’ll make sure your podcast is ready for launch and submitted to every player! Plus you’ll get two additional weeks of support!

If this sounds like the right fit for you, make sure you head to the link in the show notes to learn more and enroll now! Podcast Launch Program kicks off on June 22nd with our initial kickoff call, then over the next 6 weeks, we’ll focus in on deep work so your podcast is ready to launch by the end of the summer!

Head to gaffincreative.com or our show notes to learn more.

Now, let’s chat about turning podcast listeners into leads.

I know for many of my listeners and clients, you’re looking to use a podcast to market and grow your business. For myself, that is a big part of my podcast strategy, but before you can get there, you HAVE to serve your audience and build that trust with them.

Whether you’re a service provider, a coach, or sell digital products, building that trust with your listeners is vital if you want them to convert into leads!

So how do we ask our listeners to become leads. Well, there are a few levels to this. 

The first is to get them onto an email list or connect with you in a way that shows you that they’re interested in your services/knowledge/expertise. Because with podcasting, we don’t know how is listening in.

The best way to do this is through lead magnets, like free downloadables, quizzes, or participation in something like a webinar or challenge.

I love this approach, because I can connect with listeners through my email list, which has warmed them up to my paid offerings.

Secondly, you can sell your products and services on your podcast. I know it is TOUGH to sell and if feels like you’re interrupting your content, but you’re providing free content through your podcast and it’s totally fine for someone to listen to a minute or two of you pitching your paid offerings—some of your listeners might actually need them!

 Now, I’ve tested out a few different ways of doing this, from releasing a full pitch for a service, like I did with my VIP days in episode ___, to dropping an organic ad for something, like I did towards the beginning of today’s episode, or  my favorite and most effective approach is to organically sell your content through educational content in your episodes.

For example, back in episode 61, I talk about how to market your podcast launch. I really walked through everything I think you need to consider, but I also sold my Podcast Launch Marketing Guide, which has a timeline, checklists, and even templates for outreach. I believe when you’re serving your listeners well, that trust builds.

For me, a number of my clients have been warmed up to me through referrals, networking, etc, but the final push to convert came from the content I’m putting out on my podcast. Whether that is for product sales in my shop, course enrollments, launches, or ongoing production, I want my clients to trust me and trust that i know what I am talking about. You can do the same.

If you’re looking at launching a podcast or implementing this approach into your podcast strategy, my recommendation is try it out and give it time. Podcast listeners do take a little time to convert and need to hear from you and your offering a few times before they officially say yes. So test out different approaches to offering your products or services on your podcast.

Additionally, you do need to think about what type of content you’re sharing with your audience, if it’s relevant to your brand, and if it’s serving your audience well. If it’s not serving your ideal audience, you will begin to lose listeners!

The final thing you need to consider is understanding how you’ll track these conversions. Are you going to track through a custom URL or a download code, etc? Maybe you’ll just ask in the onboarding form or in your discovery call. Whatever approach you want to take, just make sure that if tracking the numbers is important to you, then you’re actually setting yourself up in the beginning to have them.

Now, if launching a podcast is still on your summer bucket list, I’d love to see you inside of Podcast Launch Program, our 6 week group coaching program. Inside of this program, we’ll map out your goal and if turning podcast listeners into leads is in your plans, we’ll work to ensure you’re accomplishing that goal with your offerings and services!

You can learn more about Podcast Launch Program in the show notes or find more about it at gaffincreative.com

I can’t wait to help you become a podcast host by the end of the summer!