We talk a lot about the behind-the-scenes of creating and producing a podcast on Clocking In. But, we haven’t really dived into the launch marketing plan for a podcast. So, today, I’m digging into the considerations you should take when it comes to marketing your podcast specifically at launch. If you’re curious how to accomplish your launch goals and successfully start your podcast, let’s get started.
Clocking In with Haylee Gaffin is produced and brought to you by Gaffin Creative, a podcast production company for creative entrepreneurs. Learn more about our services at Gaffincreative.com, plus you’ll also find resources, show notes, and more for the Clocking In Podcast.
Today’s episode comes directly from my Podcast Launch Marketing Guide, which is now available in my shop. My Podcast Launch Marketing Guide is your guide to creating a podcast launch marketing plan that will get your friends sharing and your audience subscribing to your podcast!
In this 20 page guide, you can expect resources for the following: a podcast asset planning checklist, a guide to building your launch team, an email invitation template for launch team, a guide to podcast promotional graphics, an email newsletter guide & copy templates, a social media guide & copy template, a planning worksheet & checklist, and a 15-day launch timeline for your marketing plan.
Set Your Goals
I believe an important first step in launching your podcast is creating goals you want to reach within your launch. Take a realistic look at your audience size and determine what goals you hope to accomplish with your podcast. Here are a few you should consider.
How many downloads do you want in the first week?
How many episodes are you going to release at launch?
My first suggestion here is to drop a trailer of some kind, first. This isn’t your official launch but a way that you can get your show onto podcast players. In my fifteen-day timeline, you’re dropping your trailer early on to get approved by players quickly.
Then, on your launch day, I suggest releasing three episodes. This is just to give your listeners an idea of what your show is about. Give them a taste of what to expect. This allows them also to binge a little with the launch.
How many ratings and reviews do you want?
Asking for ratings and reviews can be a little awkward, but it’s best to ask for these with the launch. In all honesty, your audience is going to be most supportive at launch. I’d make this request a primary call to action at the end of your episodes.
What actions do you want listeners to take after subscribing?
This is a major launch goal you’ll want to consider. What should listeners do after listening and subscribing? This is where your overall podcast goal comes into play. You could aim for your audience to become clients, buy products, whatever you want your listeners to do after listening.
This is what you want to focus on. You may not kick off your podcast directly pointing your listeners to do a specific action, you may later. You need to be prepared to point your listeners in the right direction. Last week I talked about the things you need to have prepared before you launch, a website is one of them. You need a place to drive all of your traffic to. Drive your listeners to a place where you can accomplish goals.
How to Market Your Podcast Launch
I don’t think that you have to pour loads of money into your podcast launch marketing. There are so many things you can do to prepare for yourself organically. But, it is so important to have a plan in place so you aren’t going in randomly with no strategy.
Launch Assets
Your launch assets are the graphics for your episodes, socials, and announcements. This could be episode graphics, pinterest graphics, audiograms, and so many more. Consider creating announcement posts that you and your launch team can share before and during your launch.
Marketing Channels & Posting Plans
While you’re working on those assets, consider what channels you’re already using. What social media channels do you already use, which do you want to use, and is there a posting strategy you want to incorporate?
Launch team
Inside the Podcast Launch Marketing Guide, I’ve included an email template asking your friends, family, and colleagues to join your podcast launch team. There’s also a newsletter template to give your newsletter audience the inside scoop.
Your launch team shows more support to a larger audience as well as creates a sense of FOMO with those who aren’t in the loop.
A Solid timeline
You can’t do any of these components without a solid timeline. You want to give yourself and launch team a timeline for sharing about your launch. That’s why in the marketing guide, you’ll also receive a 15 day timeline to use for your marketing timeline.
Today’s episode comes directly from my Podcast Launch Marketing Guide, which is now available in my shop. My Podcast Launch Marketing Guide is your guide to creating a podcast launch marketing plan that will get your friends sharing and your audience subscribing to your podcast!
In this 20 page guide, you can expect resources for the following: a podcast asset planning checklist, a guide to building your launch team, an email invitation template for launch team, a guide to podcast promotional graphics, an email newsletter guide & copy templates, a social media guide & copy template, a planning worksheet & checklist, and a 15 day launch timeline for your marketing plan.
Show Notes
Podcast Launch Marketing Guide (1:00)
Why do you need a podcast launch marketing plan? (1:55)
Set Goals for your launch (2:30)
How many downloads do you want
How many episodes are you going to release
How many ratings and reviews do you want
What actions do you want listeners to take after listening
What are good numbers? (3:00)
Pitching yourself before your launch (4:00)
How many episodes to drop (4:39)
Rating and reviews (5:00)
Podcast Goal and Website (5:30)
What to include in your marketing plan (6:30)
Episode Assets (7:00)
Marketing Channels (7:23)
Podcast Launch Team (7:45)
Timeline (8:20)
Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
The links included in this blog post may contain affiliate links, which means when you sign up or purchase through them, I will make a small commission. I only share products that I love and trust!

Review the Transcript:
I talk a lot about the behind the scenes of creating and producing a podcast here on the podcast, but you know what I haven’t really touched on? The launch marketing plan.
In today’s episode, we’ll be diving into what considerations you should take when it comes to marketing your podcast, specifically at launch!
Hey y’all welcome to the clocking in podcast the podcast for entrepreneurs and professionals making their way in the working world i’m your host Haylee Gaffin this podcast is produced and brought to you by Gaffin Creative a podcast production company for creative entrepreneurs learn more about our services at Gaffincreative.com plus you’ll also find resources show notes and more for the clocking in podcast so let’s clock in and get to work.
So you’re ready to launch your podcast, but what marketing plan do you have in place? Well today’s episode is going to help give you an idea of what this looks like.. Before we dive too far into this, I wanted to let you know that today’s episode comes directly from my Podcast Launch Marketing GUide, which is now available in my shop. My Podcast Launch Marketing Guide is your guide to creating a podcast launch marketing plan that will get your friends sharing and your audience subscribing to your podcast!
In this 20 page guide, you can expect resources for the following:
- Podcast asset planning checklist
- A guide to building your launch team
- Email invitation template for launch team
- Guide to podcast promotional graphics
- Marketing: Email Newsletter guide & copy templates
- Marketing: Social Media guide & copy template
- Marketing: Planning Worksheet & Checklist
- Launch Timeline
You can grab the Podcast Launch Marketing Guide at gaffincreative.com/shop.
Now, why do you need a marketing plan for your launch? Well I don’t want you to waste all the hard work you’ve put into your podcast. In the past, I didn’t put a big priority on the launch marketing plan, but now I do—I’ve seen the difference in how a podcast launch marketing strategy can completely change your success..
So, let’s get started—the first thing I want you to do is set a few goals for your podcast launch.
Like many marketers, I believe a good, better and best approach is how you should set these goals and you can set those by taking a realistic look at your audience size.
So here are the goals you need to consider:
- How many downloads per episode do you want in the first week?
- How many episodes do you want to release at launch?
- How many ratings & reviews do you want?
- Once someone has subscribed to your podcast, what action do you want them to take?
Let’s review each of these. Now, before I get DMs about what is a “good” number of downloads and ratings, etc, I’m going to tell you I don’t know–but rather that’s based on your audience and the engagement you have and the trust you’ve built with them.
I get most excited to see someone launch a podcast when they’re someone I’ve enjoyed listening to in interviews on other podcasts I follow—that’s something to keep in mind as you’re approaching your podcast launch as well.
Again, look at your audience size, how engaged they are, and how many you think will give your podcast a listen!
When it comes to how many episodes to release at launch, I always suggest dropping a trailer of some kind first, then three episodes at launch. This helps your listeners get a sense of your show’s topics, what they can expect, and allows them to binge a little with the hype of the show.
Let’s move onto ratings and reviews—this is a TOUGH ask, but it’s best to request these during your launch, because that’s when your audience will be the most supportive. If this is important to you, I’d make it a primary CTA in either the content of your shows or in your outro!
Now, the big goal here, of what someone should do after they’ve listened and subscribed…. This is where your podcast goal comes into play, which I talk about a lot on the show and more specifically in episode 33, where we cover how to measure your podcast goals.
This could be to become clients, to buy products, etc.
While you may not kick off your podcast with marketing a goal, you will later and need to prepare your listeners on where they should go and more!
So what should you actually include in this marketing plan:
- Launch assets
- Marketing channels & posting plans
- Launch team
- And a Solid timeline
I don’t think you have to put a ton of money into your podcast launch marketing strategy—you can truly do this organically, but you need to have a plan in place so you’re not randomly launching without any strategy.
One thing you’ll cover in the process of your podcast launch is the assets you need for your episodes, including cover graphics, brand colors, title wordmark, episode graphics, pinterest graphics, audiograms, and more.
In addition to those, you should be considering announcement posts to share and promotional content that will hype up your audience. And don’t forget to create graphics that your friends and launch team can share, but we’ll get into that shortly.
As you’re working on those assets, you’ll need to consider the channels you currently have in place—we talked about this back in last week’s episode all about the channels you should have set up before you launch a podcast.
So look at those channels, how often you want to be posting, and any strategies for those.
Let’s jump into a really fun part of the launch process… building your podcast launch team! Now, inside the Podcast Launch Marketing Guide I have a templated email asking your friends, family, and colleagues to join your launch team and even newsletter templates to give your newsletter audience the insider details!
Having a launch team can help show more support to a wider audience, but also creates a sense of FOMO when everyone is sharing about something that you haven’t heard yet, so they immediately go to listen!
While all of these components are great, you can’t do any of this without a timeline in place. You’ll want to ensure that you are giving yourself and your audience the time to schedule, share, and promote your show leading up to launch!
That’s why inside my Podcast Launch Marketing Guide, I’ve included a 15 day timeline for you to implement for your podcast launch assets, marketing plan, launch team building, and more!
I hope today’s episode highlighted the importance of a podcast launch marketing plan! If you want my guide to creating a plan that will get your friends sharing and your audience subscribing to your podcast, my 20 page podcast launch marketing guide is perfect for you! As a reminder, it includes:
- Podcast asset planning checklist
- A guide to building your launch team
- Email invitation template for launch team
- Guide to podcast promotional graphics
- Marketing: Email Newsletter guide & copy templates
- Marketing: Social Media guide & copy template
- Marketing: Planning Worksheet & Checklist
- Launch Timeline
You can grab this at gaffincreative.com/shop
I hope you’re enjoying these episodes that’ll help set your podcast up for success at launch! And if you use this podcast launch marketing plan concept or the guide, I’d love to share about your podcast at launch! Shoot me a DM over on Instagram at hayleegaffin and let me know!
See you next week!
This has been another episode of The clocking in podcast. You can find the show notes for this episode and more at Gaffincreative.com. Thank you so much for your listenership and support. If you love this episode, I’d be so honored if you leave me a review in Apple podcast app. Until next time, I’m your host Haylee Gaffin, clocking out.