
Do you have an email marketing strategy for your podcast? In today’s episode, I’m sharing how I have revamped my email marketing strategy and the difference that it has made in my podcast listenership. 

Clocking In with Haylee Gaffin is produced by Gaffin Creative, a podcast production company for creative entrepreneurs. Learn more about our services at Gaffincreative.com, plus you’ll also find resources, show notes, and more for the Clocking In Podcast.

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Today, we’re diving into a topic that has transformed my podcast journey—my revamped email marketing strategy. This isn’t something I usually discuss, but the impact it has had on my podcast downloads and subscribers is too significant not to share. So, buckle up and get ready to elevate your email marketing game!

Why I Started Taking Email Marketing Seriously

Initially, I was the kind of person who neglected their email list. My emails were basic: a podcast episode description, a graphic, and a link. They served their purpose but didn’t really connect or convert. However, inspired by my friend Colie and other resources, I decided it was time to give my email marketing the attention it deserved.

The Power of a Welcome or Nurture Sequence

One of the first changes I implemented was creating a more intentional welcome sequence. After someone opts in for a freebie, they go through a series of emails introducing them to my brand, my podcast, and the resources I offer. This sequence not only nurtures the relationship but also acts as a sales funnel for my products and services.

For inspiration, I used Hoppy Copy, an AI tool focusing on email marketing. It helped me draft various types of emails—from nurture sequences to social copy—tailored to my brand. But remember, always add your personal touch to make the content authentically yours.

Implementing the Sequence with Existing Subscribers

I didn’t stop at new subscribers. I also sent my existing subscribers through a customized version of the welcome sequence. This segmentation allowed me to cater to both new and seasoned podcasters, enhancing their journey through targeted content.

The Impact on Podcast Downloads from My Email Marketing Strategy

The results were amazing. Not only did I see a spike in my download numbers, but my engagement metrics also soared. More subscribers, more downloads of older episodes, and a noticeable increase in sales of my courses and products, along with enrollments in Mic Check Society.

Shifting My Weekly Email Newsletter

With these insights, I also shifted my approach to my weekly email newsletters. Moving away from mere episode descriptions, I now focus on delivering valuable content. Here are the three considerations I keep in mind:

  1. Story or Highlight: I share a story or highlight from the podcast episode.
  2. Tangible Takeaway: I provide a tangible takeaway that leaves the reader inspired or informed.
  3. Prompt to Listen or Subscribe: I always include a call-to-action, inviting them to listen to the episode or subscribe to the podcast.

Linking Strategies for Better Engagement

Where you are linking to in your email can be a game-changer. Currently, I link to my podlinks page, allowing listeners to choose their preferred podcast player. For older episodes that I’m remarketing, I link directly to the blog post to drive traffic to my website, often including a P.S. with a secondary link to the podlinks page.

Seasonal and Relatable Content

Don’t be afraid to deviate from promoting your latest episode. For instance, I recently created an email centered around Gilmore Girls and rewatching every fall. I included an episode from nearly a year before that highlighted the different podcasts I thought Gilmore Girls characters would have hosted. This seasonal approach resonated well with my audience, proving that timely, relatable content can be just as effective.

Testing and Iterating

Finally, email marketing is all about testing and iterating. Try this strategy for four weeks and monitor your download numbers and subscriber growth. If you don’t have an email list yet, I highly recommend Flodesk for its intuitive interface and ease of use.

Email marketing can significantly boost your podcast’s visibility and engagement, if you’re being intentional with your content. Implement a robust welcome sequence, shift your newsletter strategy to be more valuable and relatable, and always iterate based on your results. Tools like Hoppy Copy and Flodesk can make the process smoother and more effective.


I started taking my email list seriously (2:14)

Starting with my welcome sequence (3:24)

Driving my audience to my episodes (5:39)

Sending past subscribers through the sequence (6:52)

Shifting the way I write my newsletters (10:57)

Three considerations for impactful emails (13:38)

What link to use in your email (14:52)

Do you have to talk about your episode every single week? (19:12)

Mentioned in This Episode:

Women In Podcasting Awards: gaffincreative.com/wip

Podlinks: gaffincreative.com/podlinks 

Flodesk: gaffincreative.com/flodesk

Hoppy Copy: gaffincreative.com/hoppycopy

Episode 133: Make It Easy for Your Listeners to Find Your Podcast

Instagram: instagram.com/hayleegaffin