I’ve been an advocate for brand shoots for years, so today I’m sharing how you can use a brand shoot for your podcast and how to plan for it! Listen in as we chat about planning out your brand shoot to align with your next quarter of content!
Make sure you download my Podcast Host Branding Session Worksheet to start planning your brand shoot today!
Clocking In with Haylee Gaffin is produced and brought to you by Gaffin Creative, a podcast production company for creative entrepreneurs. Learn more about our services at Gaffincreative.com, plus you’ll also find resources, show notes, and more for the Clocking In Podcast.
Promotional Material as a Podcaster (1:48)
Cover Graphics
Social Media
Websites Graphics
Plan for 3 Months of Imagery in Brand Shoots (2:35)
Brand Shoot Planner (2:54)
Considerations Before Booking Your Branding Shoot (3:12)
Promotions You Want To Run
Content You Are Creating
Highlight Other Business Owners?
Feed Preferences?
Planning Your Shoot As Host (4:18)
Different Styles of Images for All Episodes
General Brand Photos
Brand Colors
Other Promotions (5:37)
Download my Podcast Host Branding Session Worksheet

Review the transcript:
As I plan my upcoming brand shoot, I’m thinking through all of the things I’ll be promoting in the next three months. This got me thinking all about the ways I can use my brand photos in my own podcast promotional content. For today’s episode, I’m sharing all the things you should consider for your brand photography, specifically as a podcast host.
Hey y’all welcome to the clocking in podcast the podcast for entrepreneurs and professionals making their way in the working world i’m your host Haylee Gaffin this podcast is produced and brought to you by Gaffin Creative a podcast production company for creative entrepreneurs learn more about our services at Gaffincreative.com plus you’ll also find resources show notes and more for the clocking in podcast so let’s clock in and get to work.
I’ve never been someone who loved being in front of the camera. From an early age, I was always the one behind it, making my cousins do silly photoshoots, which eventually led to me picking up a camera in high school and college and starting a photography business.
As a photographer and business owner, i understand the need for beautiful and custom imagery for your brand. If you’re brand new and can’t necessarily afford a professional photographer, I do want you to still consider what custom brand imagery could do for your business.
As a podcast host, you’re likely needing new promotional materials every week or even multiple times a week.
So let’s talk about potential promotional materials you could need imagery for when it comes to promotions with your podcast:
- Episode Cover Graphics
- Episode Social Media Graphics
- Your Show Notes Website
- Newsletters
- Generic Social Media Posts
- Pinterest Graphics
- Lead Magnet Resources for Your Podcast
- And so much more
Now I like to encourage my clients to plan for three months of images in their brand shoots. This doesn’t have to be 90 days, but just consider things you’ll want to promote over the next three months. Then you can either spread those images longer or book quarterly brand shoots.
In order to plan for this, I’ve created a simple podcast host brand shoot planner to help guide you on what you need to consider for your upcoming shoot. You can grab this free worksheet at gaffincreative.com/030 and click on The Podcast Host Branding Session Worksheet.
There are a few ways you can approach your branding photoshoot so let’s consider the following things before you even book one:
- Do you know what promotions you’ll be running in your business over the next 3 months?
- Do you know what content you’ll be creating in the next three months?
- Do you want to highlight other business owners in your images, like clothing, jewelry, etc. I have a few friends with product shops that I want to make sure I highlight in each of my brand shoots to show them support in a way that doesn’t cost me anything extra.
- Do you have feed preferences in mind – what I mean by this is are you looking to break up your feed into a specific pattern or style that would require more flatlays, product images, outfits, etc. How can you ensure you’re doing this with your images?
Now that you have a foundation set for what you need to consider, let’s plan out your shoot as a podcast host:
- I want you to map out all of your episodes or potential episodes for the next three months (if you’re producing weekly episodes, then that is 12 episodes).. We want to ensure you have different styles of images for all 12, whether that means 12 outfits or 12 poses, you and your photographer can decide this.
- Next, I want you to consider taking general brand photos with your podcasting gear, set up as if you’re in an interview.. I highly encourage variety in your outfits it this is something your photographer will allow.
- Spelling of gear, this is where you may also want to highlight any of you lead magnets, like free downloadables on an ipad so that you can incorporate it into your brand shoot.
- Additionally, I want you to consider your brand colors through all of this, specifically if your brand colors are important in your feed.
- Outside of your podcast, you’ll likely have other things you need to promote in your business, so make sure you’ve mapped this out as well! This could be for services or educational content on your blog, or even just fun content that adds a personalized touch to your imagery—think food, drinks, hobbies, etc!
Now that you’re thinking about your brand photography, I want you to map out what this looks like for your brand so that you head into your shoot with the key details in mind!
If you haven’t already, make sure you grab my free worksheet at gaffincreative.com/030 and click on The Podcast Host Branding Session Worksheet.
Once you’ve completed this one page worksheet, you’ll be on your way to planning a more organized and intentional branding photoshoot for your podcast content!
This has been another episode of The clocking in podcast. You can find the show notes for this episode and more at Gaffincreative.com. Thank you so much for your listenership and support. If you love this episode, I’d be so honored if you leave me a review in Apple podcast app. Until next time, I’m your host Haylee Gaffin, clocking out.