
Are you a creative educator or coach with a podcast? You can optimize your podcast show notes for search engines to help drive warm leads directly to your website! In this episode, I’m sharing how this works, why you should do it, and your next steps to creating content for your SEO strategy!

Clocking In with Haylee Gaffin is produced and brought to you by Gaffin Creative, a podcast production company for creative entrepreneurs. Learn more about our services at Gaffincreative.com, plus you’ll also find resources, show notes, and more for the Clocking In Podcast.

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Mic Check Society

Today’s episode is brought to you by Mic Check Society, a community for podcasters. Each month, I’m dropping an exclusive training, hosting a monthly hot-seat call and coworking sessions, plus you’ll get access to our Facebook group to connect with and network with other podcasters!

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Essential, Seach Engine Optimization (SEO) is when search engines like Google are crawling your website, indexing your content, and allowing their users to discover you. I started in SEO when I was an intern at an ad agency, this was my first taste of what content marketing is. Now, I incorporate it into as many client podcasts as possible.

Why is SEO Important?

SEO is a great way to drive warm traffic to your website from search engines. When users are searching for content that you are ranking for, they are likely looking for an answer to a question. If you appear in the search results, they are likely to click on your content. That is directly driving a warm lead to you. You want to make sure that you’re the one they’re clicking on, that you’re ranking for those topics, and that you’re driving them to take the action that you want.

Search engines offer organic searches based on website content. They essentially can do the behind-the-scenes work of marketing for you without you having to create social media content and post it over time. SEO is a one-time task that takes a lot of work off of your plate in marketing.

When you prioritize SEO in your content creation, you are investing in a long-term funnel for your content and products.

Why do Creative Educators and Coaches Need SEO?

A lot of my clients are in this niche, many provide other services as well in their business. They are teaching others the things that they are doing in their business. A podcast is a great thing for those in this niche to have as well, it shows that they’re experienced and knowledgeable in a way that is driving people to trust them and work with them.

Whatever type of content you are creating to provide education, Google is going to crawl that. You want to make sure that you are optimizing all of this content for those search engines so that you are ranking, people are clicking, and becoming clients.

Now, if you are already producing a podcast and are only promoting on social media without a blog, this is your encouragement to create a resource hub.

Creating Search Engine Optimized Content

Your podcast can be a lead generator. You can organically push your products and services into your podcast episodes. Podcasting is free for the listener, but not for the host. The host is either committing time or money to it, oftentimes both. Listeners tend to be very open to being sold. But do not oversell, you still need to provide value to your listeners or you will lose them. Value first, sell second.

As you are creating this content you are building authority in your expertise and your brand. This will also help with your website. Your SEO strategy can come into play when someone searches for what you do or for answers to questions that you are answering.

The Benefits of Creating Search Engine Optimized Content

A major benefit is that you are creating content that your potential clients want to hear. I recommend asking your audience what questions they have and what they want to hear. Use that content to create your podcast episodes. When you are creating these episodes, your answers can be repurposed into text. Those answers can be put into a blog and indexed by Google and found by users looking for what you do.

Another benefit is that you are creating answers for those people that are searching. It’s great to be able to show up in search results, but it’s even better that you are providing value to potential customers. They might not know who you are when they start searching, but when they discover your site they are more likely to trust you on that topic. From exploring your website, they are then able to see that you offer services to fix their problem. Whether that’s coaching, education, or maybe a membership, you are able to guide them from your blog post to whatever content, service, or product.

This is such a simple way for educators and coaches to sell to potential customers. You are providing knowledge that the consumer does not have and is searching for. Podcast hosts can absolutely market themselves on their podcasts but also use SEO to get new clients that aren’t already familiar with them.

Grab the SEO Training

More than likely, you’re already doing all of the necessary work but just aren’t implementing it into your blog posts. So, I have created a training just for you. This is for anyone who is trying to serve their audience but also make money in their business. Head over to Mic Check Society and join the annual membership to be a part of the new SEO strategy training. This training, Optimizing Your Podcast Show Notes for Search Engines, walks you through the technical aspects of SEO, why it’s important, and how to optimize your content. You will walk away with the knowledge of keyword research, how to find those keywords, and content planning around those keywords, and you’ll even take on the technical aspects of your blog posts.

Mic Check Society

Now, if you’re using a podcast for your business and are looking for a resource to help you continue to grow your podcast in a way that serves your business, make sure you check out Mic Check Society. We have a community of podcasters sharing their questions, concerns, successes, and more in one Facebook group.

Members of Mic Check Society also have access to monthly training from industry experts, hot-seat calls with those experts, silent coworking sessions, and resources to help your podcast succeed.

Catch The Show Notes:

What is Search Engine Optimization? (1:24)
Why is SEO Important? (1:50)
Why do Creative Educators and Coaches Need SEO? (3:08)
Creating Search Engine Optimized Content (4:40)
The Benefits of Creating Search Engine Optimized Content (5:55)
Mic Check Society SEO Training (8:30)

Review the Transcript:

If you’ve been around here for a while, you know that I talk about search engine optimization for your podcast. More than probably any other topic here on the podcast. So today I want to talk about why creative educators and coaches should consider optimizing their shownotes for their podcasts in order to show up in search results.

Hey, y’all, welcome to the clocking in Podcast, the podcast for entrepreneurs and professionals making their way in the working world. I’m your host Haylee Gaffin. This podcast is produced and brought to you by Gaffin. Creative, a podcast production company for creative entrepreneurs. Learn more about our services at Gaffin creative.com. Plus, you’ll also find resources, show notes and more for the clocking in podcast. So let’s clock in and get to work.

All right. So if you’re listening to this podcast episode, you’re likely a creative educator or a coach who is looking to use your podcast for your search engine optimization strategy, while you are in the right place. So I want to first talk about what search engine optimization is why creative educators and coaches should be using it and how you’re already implementing it in ways you don’t even know. So first things first, what is search engine optimization? Essentially, it’s when search engines like Google are crawling your website, indexing your content, and allowing their users to discover you. Now I got my start in search engine optimization. Back when I was an intern at an ad agency, it was my first taste of kind of understanding what content marketing was. And now I incorporate it into as many client podcasts as possible.

Why is that? Well, SEO is a great way to drive warm traffic to your website from search engines. When users are searching for content that you’re ranking for, they’re likely looking for an answer. So when you show up in the search results, and they click on your content, that is directly driving a warm lead to you. So you one want to make sure that you’re the one that they’re clicking on to that you’re actually ranking for those things, and then three, that you’re actually driving them to take the action that you want them to take. Now search engines offer organic searches based on website content. So you probably already know this, search engines can do the behind the scenes work of marketing for you without you having to create all this social media content posts over time, and essentially just create extra work for yourself.

So search engine optimization is a one time task that essentially allows you to not have to do much more after that it does the work for you. Because when you are prioritizing search engine optimization in your content creation, you’re investing in a long term funnel for your content and your products. But why creative educators and coaches? Well, I have kind of found this niche not that all of my clients are creative educators or coaches, but a lot of them do provide the services in addition to other services in their business. So they are teaching others how to do the thing that they’re doing. And I love this for podcasters. Like this is a podcast is a great thing for an educator or a coach to have, because it does show their experience their expertise, their knowledge in a way that is driving people to one, trust them, but to work with them. Whether you’re creating blog posts or podcast episodes of educational content that can lead people to trusting you. Google is going to crawl that. So we want to make sure that you’re optimizing all of this content exclusively. In this episode, we’re going to be talking about podcasts.

But we want to make sure that you’re optimizing your content for those search engines so that you are showing up, people are clicking on your content, and then they are becoming paying clients. Now if you are one of those educators or coaches who is already producing a podcast, maybe you’re just doing it very simply where you’re putting out content on social media, and you don’t really have a blog post. This is your encouragement to create a resource hub for your podcast on your website. Now, once you start doing this, here are things that are going to become very easy to implement for you and allow you to create content that is optimized for search or at least getting started in the process. So your podcast you probably already know this is a lead generator for your business. If you’re not already pushing your services, pushing your products into your podcast episodes, I encourage you to do that as well. because we all know podcasting is free for the listener, but not for the host, the host is either committing time to it or committing money to it. So a listener is very open to being sold. I will go ahead and say this though, don’t oversell, don’t sell too hard, don’t do too much with if you’re not creating content that is providing value, people are not going to listen to it. So make sure you’re providing value first, sell second.

Now, as you’re creating the content, you’re building authority, in your expertise, and in your brand. This also will help with your website. So as people are searching for exactly what you do, or they’re searching for answers to questions that you are answering in your podcast episodes, that’s where your search engine optimization strategy can come into play. The benefits of this include creating content that your potential users, your potential customers, they want to hear, I always recommend asking your audience what questions they have about what you do, what questions do they have about something that you teach on anything like that? Those are exactly what people are going to be searching for. So use that content to create your podcast episodes. But then when you’re creating these podcast episodes, your answers, you’re verbally answering them in a podcast episode, put that down into text so that your podcast episodes can be put onto your blog. And then those blog posts can be indexed by Google and found by users looking exactly for what you do. Now, another benefit to this is that you are creating answers for those people that are searching. Because, one, it’s great to be able to show up in search results. But to it’s even better that you are providing value to potential customers who one may not know who you are, when they search for their answer.

And then once they find the answer on your website, they’re going to trust you, and then they’re going to start exploring your website. And then they’re going to see that you offer services that fix their problem, whether that’s coaching, education, training, if you have a membership, whatever it is, you can guide them from your blog posts into whatever piece of content you want them to go to next, or whatever service you want them to know that you offer, or to purchase whatever product it is that you sell. Now, I think for podcast hosts who are educators, they have it probably the easiest, as far as SEO strategy and strategy for selling and making money in your own business from your podcast goes like this also includes service providers, because you can so easily sell your products, your services, whatever it is, if it requires knowledge that the consumer does not have, and it requires time that they just don’t want to spend on it. So podcast hosts can absolutely market themselves on their podcast, but then also use search engine optimization to get clients that don’t follow them on social media that aren’t on their newsletters, but are looking for their exact services. Now, it’s more than likely that you’re already doing most of the work, you’re just not implementing it into your blog posts.

So I have created a training just for you, for not only educators, not only coaches, but anyone who has a podcast who is trying to serve their audience, but also make money in their business. So if you head over to Mike check society.com, you’ll learn all about our annual membership. Inside of MIC CHECK society this month, I have dropped a brand new training. It’s there, it’s live, you can see it. It is entitled optimizing your podcast show notes for search engines, your podcast, SEO strategy. Now in this training, I walked through all of the technical aspects of search engine optimization, why it’s important, how you can optimize your content, primarily on your website. But I also touched just a tiny bit on podcast players, and what that looks like for optimizing for search. But you will walk away from this training with the knowledge of keyword research, how to find the keywords to title your episodes, content planning around those keywords so that you are planning your content with an SEO strategy in mind.

And then you’ll even take on all of the technical aspects of your blog posts, from the title to the meta description to the header alt text, the actual show notes themselves what to include, all in this training Now you can grab that along with our self paced podcast audit inside of my check society. Plus, we’ll be dropping even more content throughout this year and throughout your entire annual membership. To enroll, head to mic, check society.com and join all of the other podcasters inside of our Facebook community that has all of our members where you can collaborate and connect and ask questions. But not only that, you can join us each month for silent co working sessions, hotseat calls, and we’re even offering exclusive discounts on all of Gaffin creative products and other products in the podcasting space. So we have a few already and we’re working on even more. Now. We also have a couple of amazing guests lined up for the rest of this year. And I can’t wait to share those with you. First people that get to know about that are those inside of my check society. I can’t wait to see you inside at Mic check. society.com Talk to y’all next week. This has been another episode of The clocking in podcast. You can find the show notes for this episode and more at Gaffin creative.com. Thank you so much for your listenership and support. If you love this episode, I’d be so honored if you leave me a review in the Apple podcast app. Until next time, I’m your host Haylee Gaffin clocking out.