100: Your Guide to Celebration Episodes

100: Your Guide to Celebration Episodes

Are you celebrating a big milestone in your podcast? In our 100th episode, we’re sharing some fun ideas and content types for your celebration episodes! Clocking In with Haylee Gaffin is produced by Gaffin Creative, a podcast production company for creative...
Is it Time to Hire a Podcast Producer

Is it Time to Hire a Podcast Producer

When you dream about hosting your own podcast, you think about how much fun you’ll have sharing your message, connecting with your audience, and interviewing guests. What you usually don’t think about is all the time it takes actually to produce a podcast. Several...
097: 5 Technical Considerations for Podcasters

097: 5 Technical Considerations for Podcasters

One of the biggest hesitations that the people I talk to who are interested in podcasting face is the tech that comes with podcasting. Today, I want to help break down any barriers that may be holding you back in podcasting by offering 5 technical considerations for...