Marketing for podcasts is very important, not only to grow your audience, but also maintain the listeners you have already acquired. There are 5 easy to use marketing platforms that you should include by default to grow your audience. The 5 marketing platforms you should use for sharing your podcast include newsletters, pinterest, instagram feed + stories, facebook, and your blog.
There are so many other platforms that you can use to market your podcast, but more than likely you already have access to these platforms, know how to use them, which by default makes it a no-brainer to include in your podcast marketing strategy for every single episode.
If you’re already sending out a weekly newsletter to your audience, then this simple addition to it will be easy enough! Otherwise, sending out a newsletter for your new podcast episodes is important for the audience that you already have. While it’s great that subscribers can get notified of new episodes, so of your listeners may not be subscribers and may need the reminder! Not to mention, you’ll want to continue to share with non-listeners in hopes that a new episode may convert them into one. Your newsletter should include at least a short summary about the episode, along with a link to easily direct your audience on where to listen to your podcast.
Pinterest is great for pinning content that you may have already posted on other platforms. It allows you to boost your content to a larger audience who wants to hear what you have to say in your podcast. In my own strategy, I like to see podcast hosts use any and every graphic that they have for their podcast episodes over on Pinterest. You can schedule it out over time, but unlike other social platforms, your audience isn’t annoyed by multiple posts in the same day or even the same week.
We all know how Instagram is a key platform in marketing your business these days/ If you haven’t gotten on the instagram train for your podcast you certainly should. It can be as simple as using your existing Instagram to share about your podcast.
Here’s a quick tip: you don’t have to have a dedicated Instagram account for your podcast if you don’t want it.
A few ways you can promote your episodes on Instagram include:
- Carousel feed posts of the cover graphic, an audiogram, and a graphic about how to subscribe or listen
- A static post of either a promotional graphic or audiogram.
- Reels that either tease the topic of your show or are a direct audiogram quote from the episode.
- Story graphics that highlight a new episode
- Spotify Integration: You can share episodes directly from Spotify to your stories and your audience can click the link to go directly to spotify.
- 15-second audiograms in stories
- And so much more
Facebook will typically reach an older demographic than Instagram, but it is a great resource even if you have a younger demographic. I simply repurpose my Instagram content when I want to share on Facebook to my personal page, business page, or groups.
Now, one of the most important things you need to know about all of this marketing is that you can use your blog as a marketing tool. For every single episode, include a simple blog post that highlights the description, episode player, show notes, and transcript. You can point all of your marketing to this post if you want to increase your website traffic, but this will also play a role in creating more content for your SEO strategy!
These are the 5 marketing platforms that I recommend starting with, however, there are tons of other platforms out there and it is important to know your target demographic well enough to know where your message will be best received by your audience. It’s also important to highlight the beauty of repurposing your content. You can use the same graphics and templates for your podcast across each of these platforms and repurpose the episode description for your captions. Simply adjust your CTA to encourage listeners to go where you want them to listen!
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