
Inviting guests to speak on your podcasts in an amazing way to share fresh ideas with your listeners. If you usually record solo podcasts, having a conversation with a guest takes all the pressure off of you.

You know I love creating workflows, so of course, I’m going to share the best way to schedule interviews for your podcast. 

Schedule Interviews Using Calendly

My favorite and simplest tool for scheduling guests on podcasts is Calendly. It’s a totally intuitive program that keeps all your meetings organized and even sends out email reminders for you. It can also integrate with your Zoom account to easily send out your interview link. 

How to Create an Event Using Calendly

To get started, connect Calendly with your meeting app, and then follow the steps below.

  1. On your dashboard, click “Create” and select “Event Type”
  2. Choose “One-on-One” event and enter the meeting details
  3. Next, set your availability and choose the meeting duration (I recommend selecting just a few options for interviews, especially if you batch your work like I do)
  4. Once all of your details are selected, Calendly will give you a custom link that you can share with your guests so that they can book a time that works for them

It’s that easy! Try Calendly free for 14-days to improve the way you schedule interviews. 

Streamline Your Podcast Workflow

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the admin side of hosting a podcast. You can make podcasting simpler and a lot more fun by streamlining your processes. If you’re ready to improve your workflows, check out my podcast workflow mini-course for just $79!