Are you consistently paying yourself the money you deserve as a business owner? Determining how much to pay yourself and how frequently, can be a daunting task. I’m sharing how I’ve approached paying myself consistently for the last three and a half years!...
You’re ready to launch a podcast, but how much have you budgeted for it? Podcasting isn’t free and I’m here to tell you just how much you should be ready to spend when you start a podcast! In today’s episode, I’m breaking down what it...
Does it feel like you’re being crushed by a pile of student loan debt that will never be paid off? In this episode of Clocking In, we’re discussing all things related to student loans and how I paid off my 36 thousand dollars of student loan debt in two...
We’re quickly approaching that time of the year, when taxes begin to really stress us out. As an entrepreneur, tax time can be even more overwhelming if you’re not doing to work on the front end to prep for tax time. In this episode of Clocking In,...
Does money stress you out? I feel ya! Finances, budgeting, and retirement are never fun to think about, but taking control over them will empower you to have so much freedom from that stress. In this first episode of Clocking In, I’m throwing it back to my...
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Hey y’all! I’m Haylee
Hey y’all! I’m Haylee, a podcast producer for creative entrepreneurs! My love for podcasts has been around since 2016, when I became an avid listener of some really great podcasts. In 2017, I began working on my first podcast and haven’t looked back! If you’re ready to dive into the podcasting world, we’d love to have you!