141: Podcast SEO: Strategies for Podcast Players & Blog Posts

141: Podcast SEO: Strategies for Podcast Players & Blog Posts

Can SEO have an impact on your podcast success? In today’s episode, I’m sharing how to optimize both your website and your podcast players for better SEO and greater results for your podcast.  Clocking In with Haylee Gaffin is produced by Gaffin Creative, a podcast...
139: How Vulnerable Should I Be On My Podcast?

139: How Vulnerable Should I Be On My Podcast?

How vulnerable should you really be on your podcast? In today’s episode, I’m sharing why you as a business owner should get vulnerable for your audience, plus best practices for doing so.  Clocking In with Haylee Gaffin is produced by Gaffin Creative, a podcast...
138: Thinking about Airing Old Podcast Episodes? Listen Here!

138: Thinking about Airing Old Podcast Episodes? Listen Here!

Why should you consider republishing an older episode of your podcast? In today’s episode, I’m sharing why to republish, how to determine which episodes to re-air, and best practices for strategic success with your republished episodes.  Clocking In with Haylee...
137: The Unwritten Rule of Podcasting from a Podcast about Podcasting

137: The Unwritten Rule of Podcasting from a Podcast about Podcasting

What are the unwritten rules of podcasting? In today’s episode, I’m addressing the commonly misheard beliefs that I hear about podcasting and why there are actually no rules for having a successful podcast.  Clocking In with Haylee Gaffin is produced by Gaffin...