You did it! You finally took the plunge and created the podcast you’ve been thinking about for years. Now, how do you get it in people’s ears? 4 Ways to Market Your Podcast Launch Marketing your podcast may feel overwhelming if you aren’t used to promoting your own...
If this year has taught me a lesson, it’s to embrace the moment and be all there. As we head into a new year, I want you to slow down, take time to be still, and live in the moment you’re given. Rather than give you a wrap up of 2022, I want to give you...
Creating and hosting your own podcast can be such a great experience for many. It can be a creative outlet as well as a platform to market and grow your business. But, some may enter the podcasting world, give it a shot, and then realize it isn’t for them. You...
If you’ve been playing around with taking a break from your podcast, today three of my clients are sharing their own experience in taking a break from their podcast! Listen in to hear how Bree Pair, Laylee Emadi, and Bonnie Bakhtiari approached pausing and...
When you host a successful podcast, you will start getting pitches for guests and topic ideas all the time. While some pitches are the perfect match for your show, others won’t work. It’s important to have a professional plan to reject podcast pitches so that...
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Hey y’all! I’m Haylee
Hey y’all! I’m Haylee, a podcast producer for creative entrepreneurs! My love for podcasts has been around since 2016, when I became an avid listener of some really great podcasts. In 2017, I began working on my first podcast and haven’t looked back! If you’re ready to dive into the podcasting world, we’d love to have you!