
You did it! You finally took the plunge and created the podcast you’ve been thinking about for years. Now how do you get it in people’s ears? 

4 Ways to Market Your Podcast Launch

Marketing your podcast may feel overwhelming if you aren’t used to promoting your own work, but I personally think it can be part of the fun of having your own show. You get to put your voice out there, and with the right strategy, you can attract your ideal listeners.

1. Enlist a Launch Team

A launch team is an amazing way to get your message out to audiences other than your own. For a short time period, such as four weeks before the big launch day, your launch team promotes your podcast to their followers. 

That can be anything from posting an Instagram story about it a few times before the launch or going live with you to talk about it to their followers. You get to make the rules!

If you’re an online creator, chances are you have a solid community of fellow creators who are cheering you on. This is a great place to find members of your podcast launch team! 

If you don’t have a community, I recommend getting involved in groups like Rising Tide Society and investing in relationships with other creators. At some point, everyone will need launch team members, and it’s a great way to help each other grow!

2. Offer Insider Promos to Your Email List

The members of your email list are already your most loyal audience, so they deserve to be the first to know about your new podcast! Plus, they’ll probably be the followers that are the most excited about it. 

You can do several things to warm up your email list so that they subscribe to your podcast even before launch day arrives. One tactic is to offer an insider promo for subscribing and rating your podcast before it launches. You could give them access to the first episode before it airs or send them a discount code for your other products.

You can also engage your email list by asking them to help you pick between two podcast graphics, suggest guests, and send in questions for you to answer on the show. The more ways you can make your email subscribers feel involved, the better your podcast launch will go.

3. Create Podcast Marketing Graphics

Just like your website and social media, your podcast needs to have cohesive branding. Your marketing graphics don’t have to be anything fancy, but they should accurately represent your podcast. 

If you have a big personality and you want to use your podcast to inspire and empower business owners, throw some bright colors on your graphics! If you’re discussing issues that come with a trigger warning, match your graphics to the tone of your show. 

Creating a set of marketing graphics that you can use across your social media platforms, website, and email newsletters will make it easy for your audience to remember your podcast launch. 

4. Create a Social Media Strategy

The best way to get listeners to a brand new podcast is to bring them over from another platform. A strategically-designed social media campaign can make for a successful launch day and loyal podcast listeners.

Remember, people need to see something several times before they act on an offer. You can’t post about your podcast one time and expect all of your followers to subscribe. You need to remind them about your new podcast and make it easy for them to get excited with you.

One way to do that is to give them sneak peeks of the show and set up what they can expect. We all know that video is king on social media right now, so posting video snippets or audiograms of your podcast interviews is a great way to tease your show. 

Don’t forget to tailor your content for each different platform, because your audience on Facebook is different from your audience on Pinterest. Your exact social media strategy will depend on your following and what works for your podcast, but the important thing is that you approach it with a plan in place. 

Learn More With My Podcast Launch Marketing Guide

Looking for a marketing checklist that you can cross off as you get closer to the big launch day? That’s exactly what I created with my Podcast Launch Marketing Guide! This guide walks you through exactly how to market your podcast launch across all of your channels so that you can hit the airwaves with a bang. Purchase the guide here!